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Cremilson Alves Marques

Cremilson is our field assistant but he also works as boat pilot. He was born in the Araguari region, and has excellent skills working in terra firme forest or along the waterways. He started working with our team in 2013.

Cledinaldo Alves Marques

Cledinaldo is our field assistant. He was born in the Araguari region, and is Cremilson's brother. Cledinaldo likes to learn new skills and is excellent handling GPS and camera trapping. He started working with our team in 2014.

Cleonaldo Alves Marques

Cleonaldo is our field assistant. He was born in the Araguari region, and is Cremilson's and Cledinaldo's brother. Cleonaldo is the youngest brother and is excellent taking notes and working with camera traps. He started working with our team in 2016.


Alvino Leal Pantoja

Alvino is our boat pilot and field assistant. He was born in the Araguari region, and knows every curve of the Araguari river. He started working with our team in 2011.

As part of our main goal of work with conservation ecology we feel that a close relationship with local people is the only way to engage them and truly make a difference in conserving Amazonian vertebrates. Thus, since the beginning of our field activities we have been providing opportunities for local field assistants in our projects. We feel pleased with this decision and hope to be able to engage more people in a near future.

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