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The Ecology and Conservation of Amazonian Vertebrates Group (LECoV) at the Federal University of Amapá in collaboration with Tacylla Kaline Gomes de Oliveira and Omar Stalin Landázuri Paredes provides educative materials for several ages.

The material was developed with the objective of increasing the knowledge of children and teenagers about mid-size and large-bodied vertebrates, as well as to stimulate the conservation of species and their habitats. Produced in A4 format, with options in color and black and white, the material can be used in any mobile/tablet and/or can be printed in any printer. Click on top of each material and decide which one you want to start playing with!

Age class 


Colour in (black and white) 

(click here to download)


Maze (black and white)

(click here to download)

First letter game

(click here to download)

Rod. Juscelino Kubitscheck

 Km 02, Macapa, AP, Brasil  68903-419

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